Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Double You - Tee - Eff !?!?

You know your life is SAD when the only thing worth blogging about is your hostel warden.
My life is sad.
So, my two lucky readers, you(once again) get to read about…The Horse.

I never did mention that last month, a whole bunch of us went to our college principal(who is also a nun) to discuss all things regarding The Horse.
The principal was understanding and offered a listening ear…but I’m not quite so sure exactly what she told the Horse, because things have been pretty much the same.

Then last night, we discovered that the Horse had only just found out about the meeting, and actually spoke to one of the girls in the hostel saying, “If you think things are going to get better, you’re wrong. I’m just going to be stricter with you people.”
This really annoyed me, because everyone in this hostel is over the age of 18(with the exception of myself), and are all completely capable of taking care of themselves. Heck people are turning 21 and 22 this year - full fledged ADULTS, and yet she sees the need to “be strict” with them.

The “seniors”, who will be leaving the hostel for good come April(having completed their bachelors degree) are entitled to a Farewell, where the juniors will put up a programme etc.
The Horse told said juniors that the seniors “don’t deserve a farewell” and that if they decided to hold one anyway, she won’t be attending.
Well thank the lord, that’s one thing I’m looking forward to.

On a slightly different note, let me take the opportunity to laugh at The Horse’s English.
I know this is quite a rude thing to do, but I really couldn’t be bothered, she annoys me.
So last night she comes into my room, opening the door with a BANG, and nearly smashing the dustbin behind it into smithereens, because, as she claimed, either me or my roommate(let’s call her A) were on the phone. This of course, is forbidden. Boo hoo.
Anyway, neither of us was on the phone, we were just talking to each other(which, of course, is ALSO forbidden, during “study time”). She tried to take our phones away, but we were adamant, insisting that we weren’t using them, after which she finally gave up, but not before telling us that we’re both liars because

"That was not the talk of the normal people! "

You shoulda seen A and I trying not to laugh.


Theo said...

two questions: why are you there and when/how can you leave?

Maybe its because I'm a stubborn rebel but I couldn't stand shit like that from my parents, forget someone who I didn't owe my birth too.

Let me know if I can help with anything besides reading your awesome ranting, k?

Anonymous said...

Ew, those rules suck.