Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I forgot I had a blog.
Hence the delay.

A lot has happened since my first post, and I mean a lot.
We can start with the new regulations The Horse has reinforced. The night after my aforementioned first post, she called a meeting in the refectory. Why?
Because she thinks we're highly indisciplined. Because we've actually been going out of the hostel (gasp! why would anyone want to leave this PARADISE???) and she can't stand that. After all, our lives should be as drab as hers.

Apparently some of the girls say they walk down the lane outside campus in order to get themselves some fresh fruit juice from the fruit stalls, except when The Horse tried to get this across, what she said sounded like, "And the girls say they go out in the name of Jews."
For a second there was silence. Then we realized she meant juice.
The stupid woman can't even speak properly.

The worst part is that I'm surrounded by a whole load of people who are just dying to get into her good books and who laugh at everything she says, no matter how lame.
The Horse went on, "And I see you people wandering around like cows..." which was succeeded by loud laughter from said people. How is that even funny? I, for one do not much appreciate being compared to a cow.
And then she added, "And some of your rooms are so dirty, they look like stables!"
Cue for more laughter.

The gist of her whole stupid tirade was that we should under no circumstances leave the campus before 3 p.m., even if we finish class at 12, and that before we go anywhere we should ask for permission from her Royal Highness herself.
Of course, what she did not mention was that the answer to such requests would invariably be no, which a few people did find out to their bad luck.
The college gates are locked every morning, only allowing people in, but not out. Thankfully they open at 12:30 p.m. because of the people who do not actually live on campus, who might want to leave.

Let's face it - I don't give a tiny rat's ass for her stupid rules - I don't sign in or out(in the log she maintains), I leave campus when I feel like it(provided the gates are open) and I don't ask for no permission baby. She can go take a crap somewhere.

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