Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Horse must die.

So her royal bitchiness took out all her frustration on me today.
She'd been away since the beginning of Jan(brilliant start to the new year, eh?) due to ulcers or something(yippeeeee), but today was doomsday as the Horse decided to come back to oversee a guest talk being held here by Ian Fariah.
Apparently, attending this talk was COMPULSORY, but I didn't show up because I have my mock exams going on.
The Horse doesn't think this is excuse enough, however.

When I went downstairs for dinner, she was standing there in all her frustrated glory, and had a nice go at me for not being present. She yelled about how such lectures are meant for people like me, who don't even bother showing up in the first place, and how she only has problems with "you Catholic girls" and blah, blah, blah.
I was honestly and truly pissed off at her, but I tried explaining that I have exams going on, and I cannot afford to be attending two hour talks when I have two thousand pages to study. The bitch didn't even listen.

When I (finally) got back to my table, I only managed to hold it in for 5 minutes before I burst into tears. There is only so much I can take, and even though I'm walking around acting all cavalier about my exams, I actually am stressed and I actually do care about my marks and I REALLY did not need a yelling from a sadistic bitch like her.
She says I should pay a 500 buck fine for missing the talk, but I couldn't be arsed to do so. I'd sooner do the hula on national television. It's not really a matter of the money, more so as the principle of the thing - if I have exams, and I have informed people prior to the event that I shan't be attending, I see no reason why I should be penalised.

Oh, and the best bit?
The talk was apparently about Freedom of Choice.
Bite me somebody.

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